【同义词辨析】 2018-09-21 古老old-obsolete

old: may apply to either actual OR relative length of existence: an ~ sweater of mine.

ancient: applies to occurrence, existence, or use in or survival from the distant past: ~ accounts of dragons.

venerable: stresses the hoariness and dignity of great age: the family's ~ patriarch.      hoary须发苍白

antique: applies to what has come down from a former or ancient time: collected ~ Chippendale furniture.  (Thomas Chippendale英国18世纪家具匠,齐本德尔家具外形优雅,配有哥特式图案和洛可可式雕塑)

antiquated: implies that something is discredited or outmoded or otherwise inappropriate to the present time: ~ teaching methods.

antediluvian: suggests that something is so antiquated or outmoded that it might have come from the time before the flood and Noah's ark: an ~ mode of travel.

archaic: implies that something has the character or characteristics of a much earlier time: the play used ~ language to convey a sense of period.   period泛指时间=time

obsolete: implies qualities that have gone out of currency or habitual practice: this nuclear missile will make all others ~.

old老旧: 长度长,可以是绝对或相对,ancient古代: 久远的过去,venerable老者的: 形容年高须发苍白敬重,如老子,antique古物: 从过去或古代传承下来(come down),antiquated陈旧: 表示不喜欢已过时不适用现代,antediluvian陈旧: 陈旧过时到好像比洪水和诺亚方舟都早,archaic古体的: 具有很早前的特征特点,obsolete淘汰的: 已不流通实行

记忆方法: 1)首字母OAVAAAAO: 5A想成5个,OVO很像羊头和2个大羊角,广州的5羊雕像==>古老      始建于1960年

         2)古老的意思是存在于久远的过去mean having come into existence or use in the more or less distant past.